sorting shed house
sorting shed house
sorting shed house
sorting shed house
sorting shed house
sorting shed house
sorting shed house
sorting shed house
sorting shed house
sorting shed house
sorting shed house
sorting shed house

sorting shed house


The bold cubic forms of the Sorting Shed House are framed by a stand of mature elm trees at the foot of Mount Buffalo. Constructed from textured concrete walls using local river pebbles, this retreat house reinterprets the expansive warehouse spaces of traditional tobacco sheds of the district.

The encompassing shell of the outer walls is parted to reveal a series of decks and window bays that project out into the expansive landscape.

The bold cubic forms of the Sorting Shed House are framed by a stand of mature elm trees at the foot of Mount Buffalo. Constructed from textured concrete walls using local river pebbles, this retreat house reinterprets the expansive warehouse spaces of traditional tobacco sheds of the district.

The encompassing shell of the outer walls is parted to reveal a series of decks and window bays that project out into the expansive landscape.

sally draper architects photographer: earl carter